"O Lord God of my salvation, when I cry in the night before thee; let my prayer come before thee; incline thine ear into my cry" Pslam 86:2-3
Prayer Room
Sabra helps elderly, handicapped, ill and poor people by supplying desperatly needed humanitarian aid
Real Jewish Roots

Sabra helps elderly, handicapped, ill and poor people by supplying desperatly needed humanitarian aid
"O Lord God of my salvation, when I cry in the night before thee; let my prayer come before thee; incline thine ear into my cry" Pslam 86:2-3
Sabra helps orphans in foster families and orphanages by suplying vital humanitarin aid, stationery, toys, etc.
"Observe the Shabbat Day to keep it holy, as the LORD your GOD has commanded you" Deuteronomy 5:12
Sabra leads Jewish people to their roots; through scripture, teaching and celebrating Shabbat snd the Festivals
Sabra seeks out Jews to helps and encourage them to return to Israel, their long promised land