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Schoolchildren received your support

Mordechai ben Ya'akov

The families of these school children, that we help, face different challenges; difficult situations. Therefor our help is not only based on the fact that their parents are not able to purchase necessary school equipment, but our aim is actually to lift up the self-esteem of these youths. By giving them good quality school bags, books and stationary, they won’t feel less than any other child. They are able to learn, to grow and to build themselves up, whilst developing self-worth among the others in their class.

Help to Israeli families. This year we help by giving some of the bags directly to the families. We went to their homes, while others came to Sabra House to collect them.

New Olim (New Immigrants). We also gave bags and stuff to those who made Aliyah with their children. These families came from different parts of the world: Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, India (Tribe of Menashe). The Administration of Afula arranged this meeting, where we also met the Head of the Aliyah Department, the Vice Mayor of Afula and the Mayor himself.

(Mordechai Klimer converses with the mayor and deputy meyor about the needs of new immigrants.)

The Mayor spoke warm words of welcome and blessed the families and promised to try to help them with bureaucracy difficulties. He also thanked Sabra, including all those friends worldwide who feel that they want to help the needy in Afula. “I am proud that Sabra is operating in our city,” he said. Various people in Afula had informed him about the work Sabra is doing and how happy they are to be connected with us.

Help in the schools. Principals and teachers expressed words of thanks and gratefulness to Sabra and all donators for helping. “You are real friends”, they said.

Indeed this is our feeling as well: a big joy to help! May God will bless you and give good fruits in your hands.

Psalm 127:3 – "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD."


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